Painting Over Wallpaper: Can It Be Done Successfully?

When it comes to home improvement projects, changing the wall color can have a significant impact on the overall aesthetics of a room. However, for those with wallpapered walls, the thought of removing it to repaint can be daunting. That’s where the concept of “painting over wallpaper” comes into play.

Pros of Painting Over Wallpaper

  • Time and Cost Savings: One of the primary advantages of painting over wallpaper is the significant time and cost savings it offers compared to wallpaper removal and wall preparation.
  • Minimal Damage: Painting over wallpaper is a less invasive process that minimizes the risk of damaging the underlying wall surface.
  • Retaining Patterns and Textures: If you have wallpaper with unique textures or patterns, painting over it allows you to preserve these distinctive features.
  • Temporary Solution: For renters who want to personalize their space without making permanent changes, painting over wallpaper can be an excellent temporary solution.

Cons of Painting Over Wallpaper

  • Adhesion Issues: Ensuring proper paint adhesion to the wallpaper can be challenging and may require additional steps.
  • Visible Imperfections: Wallpaper imperfections like seams and bubbles may still be visible even after painting.
  • Limited Design Options: The choice of paint color and finish may be limited by the existing wallpaper pattern and texture.
  • Reduced Removal Options: Painting over wallpaper can make future removal more challenging and time-consuming.

Preparation Steps

Before grabbing your paintbrush, it’s crucial to prepare the wallpapered surface properly:

  • Inspect the Wallpaper: Check for loose edges, tears, and bubbles. Address any issues before proceeding.
  • Clean the Wallpaper: Ensure the wallpaper is clean and free of dust and grease.
  • Repair Damaged Areas: Fix any damaged sections of the wallpaper using appropriate adhesives.
  • Sanding: Lightly sand the wallpaper to create a smooth surface for paint adhesion.
  • Apply Wallpaper Primer: Use a quality wallpaper primer to enhance paint adhesion and minimize the risk of peeling.

Choosing the Right Paint

Selecting the right paint is crucial for a successful project. Opt for latex or oil-based paints, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Consider the paint finish as well; satin or eggshell finishes are often recommended for their durability and washability.

Painting Techniques

To ensure a professional-looking result, follow these painting techniques:

  • Paint Roller: Use a paint roller for larger areas to achieve a smooth and even coat.
  • Cutting In: A paintbrush is essential for cutting in along edges, corners, and tricky spots.
  • Multiple Coats: Apply multiple thin coats of paint for better coverage and durability.
  • Drying Time and Ventilation: Allow sufficient drying time between coats, and ensure proper ventilation to aid the drying process.

Maintenance and Longevity

To extend the life of your painted wallpaper, perform regular cleaning and touch-ups as needed. Keep an eye out for potential issues, and be prepared to consider wallpaper removal if necessary in the future.


Painting over wallpaper can indeed be done successfully, provided you follow the right steps and techniques. It offers a practical solution for updating your home’s look without the hassle of wallpaper removal. However, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons, prepare meticulously, and choose the right paint to achieve the best results.